Hera UV Mist Cushion Review
04:24Hello! I'm currently on a semester break so I decided to talk about my favourite foundation which is the Hera UV Mist Cushion! *woohoo* The reason for reviewing this product is because, it's a great product, and also when I search for reviews months ago before I bought this, I could only find a few so I had to just try my luck and get it, didn't regret tho. Hope this helps!
Hera is not available in Malaysia (sadly) so I had to scout for the best prices for this product sold online. There are a few websites that sells this cushion like ibuybeauti.com and hermo.my but I wasn't too convinced to purchase it from them because of the price (including shipping fee) and I'm not sure if it might get lost in the process of delivering it to me or something.
In the end, I found a seller on eBay that has 100% positive feedback about the delivery and the products sold plus the price was slightly cheaper which was about RM158 for the cushion and a refill pack with free shipping (but I had to wait for a month).
It claims to have instant moisturising + cooling effects with clay-mineral water containing clay from frozen sea ice which is finer than fog particles. The emulsion formula is ultra-fine which is stabilised by dense cells of the cushion, thinly smears onto puff while pressing the cushion so when it's applied on the skin it will be just a thin layer giving moist and lustrous skin.
I got the C21 Cool Vanilla Cover because my friend who bought it at Korea herself told me most of the Koreans are using the C21 so I thought it's probably suitable for my skin tone too. N which is 'natural' colour is for those who wants to express a natural, shining complexion with a clear, moist tone. C which is 'cover' is for those who wants to conceal blemishes so in short it has more coverage.
There are 3 different types of the UV Mist Cushion which is the original one (which I purchased), the Ultra Moisture and the Long Stay cushion. Long stay cushion was recommended for people who live in warmer climates because it lasts longer maybe because it's drier? I don't know. I opted for the original one even though I stay in a fairly warm and humid country which is MALAYSIA.
I love love love the case, the color of it, because it looks classy and so pretty (every girls' weakness when choosing a product is the packaging.. not very practical lol.)

This foundation also works as a sunblock because it has SPF50+/PA+++ that not only protects the skin from the sun, but also prevents 'photoaging'. The puff provided is also specially designed anti-microbial puff that enables hygienic use. Googled it lol, anti-microbial is an agent that kills microorganisms or inhibits its growth, coooooool.

Now let's see how it works on my skin. I have dry skin and last time when I put on some foundation and then concealer it's already flaky and patchy that is why I choose to try Hera which is well known for the Dewy and Healthy Glow look it delivers.
This is honestly my face with no makeup on, apart from my brows and lips. I have no base, no moisturiser or sunscreen or even concealer on. There is slight discolouration on certain parts of my face such as the forehead and my eye area, and also reddish spots on the sides of my nose.
I usually have serious dark circles under my eyes but I had a good sleep the night before I took this so it's not that terrible here woohoo.

The frustration of having yellow toned skin ..

Up close!

Now it's time to put some foundation on! Then you'll see the difference.

Applying it using the camera's screen as a mirror , don't like using the cushion's mirror because it's too small for my fat face hahaha.

After applying , my face has an even color and much reduced yellow tone! Plus it's actually fairly dewy but not obvious on pictures. I hadn't applied any moisturiser prior to applying the foundation but it doesn't show flakiness or dry spots because it's that moisturising! I only applied one layer and this foundation is buildable which might make my face too fair and more dewy but it won't be cakey.
It doesn't cover that much although it is supposedly Cover Vanilla Cool so imagine how much coverage the Natural range will be like haha. It did brighten up my eye area a liiiiittle bit so I'm satisfied enough :)

The cons of it is that living in a warm country , which is gradually getting warmer now, the dewiness might feel a little uncomfortable for me. If I scratch my face or wipe my sweat off my face, the foundation comes off a bit and there will be a spot where I just scratched which has lesser foundation already. This is often a worry when I go out and I had to wipe off sweat or scratch it and be scared about having a spot there lol.

One day my mom was like : Trisha, why is your face 'shiny'?
And so I told her it was the foundation and she was eager to try it too hahahah.

What I like about it : -It offers SPF50+++ which is really high
-Even with a high spf the product wasn't oily.
-It's the perfect foundation for people with dry skin who doesn't want an oily
product but moisturising enough to not flake.
-It's a great foundation for a natural look as it only has low to medium coverage.
-It doesn't really oxidise and turn the skin yellow even under hot weather
-It lasts really long, I tried several products and this lasted the longest.
-The smell is so pleasant I will never get tired of it.
-Let me achieve my dream of having dewy skin that Koreans have!

Failed to focus on the words, a last minute change of pose during a 10 second timer resulting in this retarded picture.

Basically, this is a 4.5/5 cushion foundation, I don't have much complains about it because I find it a really great product but it's sad that I will always have to buy it on eBay when I finish using it. Hopefully Hera opens a store in Kuala Lumpur soon woohooo let's all pray for it.
Pictures taken by the Canon EOS600D.
Pictures taken by the Canon EOS600D.